Lomi Lomi Massage

Lomi Lomi Massage

We are asked many times what is Lomi Lomi Massage Lomi Lomi and I usually reply :

Hawaiian Lomi massage is like no other massage you will ever experience and once you have tried it there is usually no going back to other styles of massage.

It takes you on a heartfelt or sacred journey, it allows you to surrender yourself to your therapist as you have never before.

Every time I receive Lomi lomi I feel something different and really find it hard to fully explain, so my best advice is to try Lomi Lomi  for yourself and book in with a Lomi Lomi or Kahuna as its sometimes known, therapist.

We have many therapists that we have trained here at nalu massage in Australia and New Zealand. Please contact me for a recommendation.

You can also find  throughout the world many therapists have trained in this art of  bodywork and will give their own individual flow of  bodywork.

You won’t regret it and every therapist will give something different which is just amazing.

Sometimes this style of massage (Kahuna) can release deep-rooted emotions so we create a safe and nurturing space so you can allow yourself to surrender and heal. Many times people have laughed and cried during Lomi Lomi a session, this is ok and is quite common, It is nothing to be afraid of and will give you long lasting healing.

It is truly magical and I love to give, receive and also teach Lomi Lomi Massage.

When teaching Lomi Lomi I learn something new every-time from my students, we are all different and learn in different ways, with this in mind, my teachings are all hands-on so you experience receiving and giving Lomi lomi massage.

We create a safe and nurturing space so you can learn at your own speed with lots of one on one teaching.

By introducing Hot Lava Shells to your Lomi lomi Massage it starts to massage down to your soul, the extra added heat sends your body and mind to a deep relaxation state that you only tend to experience during a me-dative (deep meditation) state.

This is one of the best massages a body can experience and I guarantee your body and mind will thank you for it for a good while. The extra heat makes you massage benefits last even longer than Lomi Lomi without heat.

We have done a test with a couple of clients that have MS and have regular massage. The results were truly amazing and our client now has the hot Lomi lomi massage bi-weekly, it has reduced pain and discomfort like nothing else.

I am truly thankful to all my  Kumu (massage teachers) over the years for showing and sharing their love of Lomi lomi.

Aloha to my Lomi Lomi Ohana

 Lomi Lomi Ancient Hawaiian Art of Massage practised over hundreds of years by master practitioners (kahuna) and elders (Kupuna).

These Hawaiians were bearers of the light of knowledge that surrounded this spiritual work and they passed down the sacred gift from generation to generation.

We awaken a very deep level of spirit, which penetrates an ancient realm of wisdom and truly inspires healing from a core level

 Its a flowing dance like movement where we create a space for our clients to experience their healing.

To totally understand Hawaiian Massage its good to understand the meaning of Huna.

Huna means that everything seeks harmony and everything seeks love.

Perhaps this can best be understood by one of the alternate names for Lomi Lomi, and that is “Loving Hands” massage.

The reason for this, is that it works gently yet deeply into the muscles with continuous, flowing strokes, totally nurturing the body and enabling the recipient to relax, give in and simply be

Joining with The Amazing Krishna Village for Lomi Lomi Training in 2020

Lomi Lomi Training at the  Krishna Village Retreat

Lomi Lomi Massage Training

For 2020 we are so excited to be joining forces with the amazing Krishna Village  in Eungella, northern New South Wales.

Krishna Village and Learn Lomi Lomi Massage in retreat-style, heal and nurture yourself into a new career path or new life.

We will be taking you a level deeper with the added bonus of daily Yoga and meditations along with three organic meals a day.

The krishna Farm  has been producing organic veggies since the 1980s and is well established to grow a variety of high-quality produce, free of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. They grow as much of our own food as they  can and otherwise buy locally wherever possible.

On our retreat we have three delicious vegetarian meals every day at the temple kitchen, with food served at the prasadam hall at the top of the hill on weekends.

Additionally, the village kitchen prepares a bountiful vegan lunch on all days except Saturday, when the volunteers take their day of rest, focusing on produce from the organic gardens and catering to gluten-free diets. This lunch is served in the village dining area.

All Krishna Village food whether served at the village or the temple, is prasadam – sacred food prepared in a consciousness of loving service.

Like in other cultures, they “offer our” food before we eat to say Grace and thank the Divine for the sun, the rain, and all the visible and invisible blessings necessary to co-create a delicious meal. Feel free to sing along with us, or just listen and enjoy… Lomi Lomi Massage training


Lomi Lomi is an Ancient Hawaiian Art of Massage that has been practiced over hundreds of years by master practitioners (kahuna) and elders (Kupuna). These Hawaiians were bearers of the light of knowledge that surrounded this spiritual work, and they passed down the sacred gift from generation to generation. Lomi Lomi awakens a very deep level of spirit, which penetrates an ancient realm of wisdom and inspires healing from a core level.

Lomi Lomi is a flowing dance like movement where we create a space for our clients to experience their healing. To totally understand Lomi Lomi, it’s good to understand the meaning of ‘Huna’. Huna means everything seeks harmony and everything seeks love. Perhaps this can best be understood by one of the alternate names for Lomi Lomi – the “Loving Hands” massage. Lomi Lomi works gently yet deeply into the muscles with continuous, flowing strokes, totally nurturing the body and enabling the recipient to relax, give in and simply be.

Lomi Lomi is like no other massage you have experienced with its long flowing moves, just like the rolling ocean waves. It takes you on a journey, discovering how to link the mind, body and soul in a deeply connecting way.

Acupressure Mat – Massage at Home?

Recommendation from Professional Massage Trainer – Nalu Acupressure

While suggesting personalized treatment plans for my clients, I also offer them some additional relaxation techniques to practice between sessions.In addition to techniques, I suggest using Nalu’s massage mat and acupressure mat that I sell online too. These mats are perfect partners to use anywhere for relaxing any stiffness or stress; at work, home, while traveling or on vacations, doing exercising or yoga.

Why Nalu Acupressures Mat?

These mats are custom-designed by a licensed massage therapist. It has been designed to assemble a product that relieves not only back, neck, shoulder, hip, sciatic pain but also fibromyalgia, plantar fasciitis, stress, insomnia, anxiety, and other issues. It induces a state of complete relaxation and even enjoyment while you meditate only for 20 minutes of your time on this mat.

The Nalu acupressure mat comes with a wall chart and e-book guide that teaches you to use the mat more effectively, comfortably, and quickly.

As this massage mat and acupressure mat is a time tested product it comes with the money-back guarantee in case you don’t feel satisfied with your acupressure mat pillow and spiky reflexology ball set.

Spiky Reflexology Ball with the Mat

Spiky reflexology ball with the mat is a freebie which is a great product to relieve foot and leg pain, plantar fasciitis, muscle tension in the hips flexors, Buttocks, hands, muscle pain, and spasm. It is a sort of full-body treatment in the form of reflexology through the feet or hands.

Wrapping Up

Take my words; this mat is certainly going to be of great help to you promoting stress relief after long days work schedule. It helps prepare your body and mind for a sound sleep.

This massage mat and acupressure mat will give you maximum benefits of massage therapy rendered by any specialist, at the comfort of your own home, and as many as times you like. No need to visit or arrange for expensive sessions with the chiropractor.