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Couples Breathwork

Share and heal together in a safe, nurturing space, releasing what’s not serving you right now and inviting in more balance, love,  joy and harmony to your relationships.

With Couples Breathwork,  we guide you to work together and support each other as you breathe together.  When we breathe together we heal together!

Couples breathwork is effective for any relationships including partners, married couples, friends and family members.

We take you on a journey together to unleash any stuck energy which may be causing distance or issues in your relationships. Issues in relationships can be can be, lack of communication, lack of love, illness, feelings of resentment, unprocessed emotions, lack of understanding, unresolved past hurt, and so much more.

Most couples find that by joining together it gives you time to reconnect and re evaluate what’s important to you both.  We take you on a journey to help release an of these concerns and then give you the tools to  start that healing journey together. Bringing harmony, love and more understanding to your relationships.



Your Breath is one of the most healing and forgotten about daily rituals. When we start to consciously breathe we start to take charge of our own lives and our own health.

Our Breath is autonomous, so we don't generally think about our breath. When we take time out to consciously breathe we allow our mind and body to rest, creating a sense of calm and this also allows the mind and body to start to heal.

Conscious Circular breathing can help to release trauma and grieving by allowing the body to go into flowstate and into rest or digest mode. This is when the body will heals it self, it's also when you feel a great sense of relief and release.

By releasing what is not serving you, such as releasing any grief you may be storing, allows your mind and body space to heal and transform.

Breathwork can be transforming and helps you to understand where you store the pain and hurt in your body. Breathwork can help with feelings of Self Worth, Self Acceptance, Self Love, it creates a sense of calm in the mind and body

When we allow the mind and body to flow we can experience great feelings of joy and euphoria and it has been known for some people to experience the release of DMT as is possible with gamma brainwaves and cerebrospinal fluid. Gamma brainwaves are associated with states of deep meditation, heightened awareness, and higher brain functions. Hence these feelings of great joy and sense of calm, bliss, nervada!

It can take you on journey to finding you true self with insights and messages as you go into a deep state of relaxation, so it can be life changing.

Start a new life experience and enjoy the feelings of love, new life force energy, new purpose, new direction and renewed health.

Can be used for


  • Grieving

  • Stress

  • Sense of Calm

  • Euphoric

  • Self Love

Breathe Together and Heal Together

Helps you Improve your Mind Body and Soul

If you would like to see change in your life then your breath can set you free and help you to make that change.

By incorporating a daily ritual of easy, effective techniques you can create that change you have always dreamed about.

Releasing the pain that as held you back and creating space in the mind and body to move forward.

To help you feel acceptance, love and joy again, and live a life you deserve.

How it Works

We  guide you to breathe into a deep relaxation state to help your mind and body feel safe to release, repair and move forward.

We then take you on a personal journey, orchestrated just for you.  This enables you to feel and know it’s the perfect journey for you.

With our own expercine of healing from a 10 year grieving period, we know how powerful and transforming this work can be.

Be the change you want to see in your life with Breathwork and body movement.


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